Friday, October 11, 2013

Risk Aversion?

A risk is a risk because it is a risk and not because it is not a risk. This is the way of the world.

All actions are risks because they project us from what is and has been to what is not and what might be; in any case, some actions and engagements are more risky than others, project ourselves further into conditions about which me may know little.

We have an intuitive sense of this risk, to some degree, as attending to our bodies and what they tell us about our performance and our environment's proffered resources, not to mention our ability to confront likely challenges, is a way to read our own aptitude for facing uncertainty.

It is not foolproof, but it is essential, and we can inform and develop this intuitive sense through research, conversation, reflection and writing. Without it, however, we are dead in the rough, incapable of interpreting even our basic abilities to cope with and adapt to our environment.

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