Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blue Orchards, Coming Now

I awoke this morning to an endless sea
Of blue orchards, opening up before
me. In the distance I could hear a few
(but perhaps there were more,
who knew, really?)
roving mechanical beasts, threshing and
thrashing belligerently, defiantly.

They were coming for me. I could hear
them, approaching, interminably slowly
but with a trembling certitude, a predictable rhythm.
The moment of harvest was upon us.

Hopefully, my windows would hold, though I knew
the shades would falter; they were far too weak
for creatures of that size, animals of that stature.

In the pool of water before me, slight ripples in the
water began to form, widening and narrowing.
They were trying to trying to warn me, like a long-
distance radar.

I wanted to heed their kind, silent signals
But I was paralyzed. I would confront them
here and now, and they would no longer
haunt me...

While the wind blew softly, little more than
a breeze felt upon the cheek.

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