Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Storming Self

Sometimes we have existential shocks: failures on the part of our environments to provide for us or our own inability to meet the expectations or desires we have for ourselves. These are difficult, challenging and terrifying moments, even if they aren't physically threatening or harmful. But they are nevertheless key and changing, watershed moments in our lives that may throw us off the paths we have previously been on. Weathering them is no easy task, and they may shake the very existential foundations upon which we've been living for as long as we have. But they are not insuperable, and we must draw on our past habits and conventions but deploy them in new and novel ways to ferry us through such bleak, dark waters.

Often, we overcome and persevere (although there are many instances where this may not be the case), but how we do so is important, is key.

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