Sunday, February 9, 2014

Art Blog Introduction Statement: Oakdale Project (aka Reflections On A City Without a Place)

What is in a Place anyways?

It's hard to say what any place is really about, so I'm not even going to try to do that here. I'm just going to leave some of my impressions of a place that I've gotten to know just a little bit too well, and I want to document some of my history with it.

The traces left here are little testament to all that I've experienced and done while living here and really only an introduction to a way of life, in some ways similar to ways of life elsewhere and in some ways distinct and remarkable. I do not purport to say or accomplish much with these transient, experiential ramblings, but I do hope something is 'gotten' or 'learned' or 'appreciated,' if all this means is that you liked the pretty pictures or how I used a verb in a certain way.

Otherwise, I do not have much more to say, aside from: Thanks for Stopping By and...

Welcome to Oakdale

(and please do feel free to leave traces of your thoughts, too: those are really what I care about)

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