Friday, July 5, 2013

Baggaging Family?

I don't want to return home this weekend, like before. I feel that I've reached a point in my creative commitments that I want/need the alone time and would like the opportunity to remain in Berkeley to develop them further, to read and write and to enjoy the potential spontaneity present here.

At home, too, I feel so pressed to commit to many activities that I only partially enjoy but that my family always desires to include me in, so I know that my creative life will need to take a backseat. I still want to preserve a sense of community with them, and they are very important to me.

And I miss my brother even. But we inhabit different worlds. I read, write, draw, play guitar, garden, cook and etc. And they don't do much of this at all, absent one or two of them. They watch excessive amounts of tv, and I desire only some part of it, if at all. oh well.

But, as with many times before, I'll most likely reluctantly go, in spite of what remains here and for me to enjoy, to learn from, to take pleasure in. There is so much already.

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